We're now nearing the middle of 2019, which is just amazing. How quickly this year is active by!

Of course, the summer months bring a bevy of diabetes conference activity and we're excited about that, but it's already been a busy Crataegus oxycantha — from Mother's Day to Memorial Day — with plenty of banter about life with diabetes. Here's our rundown of enthusiastic Diabetes Online Community (DOC) posts that caught our optic this past month, in no particular rate:

A warning away the FDA lately sparked questions and concerns about the apply of Dress-IT-Yourself technology and squinting loop systems, and with all the news coverage D-advocate Katie DiSimone wanted to clear the air. She dives into what the regulatory advisory really says you bet the #WeAreNotWaiting biotic community is responding. Definitely worth a read!

Meanwhile, our DOC has pronounced the end of an geological era, with favorite longtime blogger Kerri Sparling sign language hit fromSix Until Me this month after 14 years of writing online. We're happy to hear Kerri will remain alive in the diabetes residential district, steady if she's not posting at SUM anymore. Here's to wishing our friend well as she moves full-face to whatsoever comes next!

With May marking Mother's Day, we enjoyed listening to this special Diabetes Connections podcast by D-Mom Stacey Simms and a trio of other moms from our community, talk about the now 30-year-old Steel Magnolias movie that contains a certain "controversial" diabetes plot line that has adorned the feathers of females with diabetes for decades now.

This chuckle-worthy meme found in a Dexcom CGM goup on Facebook had us smiling and shaking our heads… and too curious if we were hearing our own CGM and D-devices beeping in the background. Props to whomever made that in the D-Community! 😉

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It's always a joy to read the stories shared on Beyond Type 2 (a new platform launched aside the On the far side Type 1 organization), and we certainly enjoyed reading this Mom's Day themed mail service from Ashley Leigh all but how she lived with T2D while she was meaning, not once but twice. This is just one of many great shares over at BT2, so we definitely recommend visiting there if you haven't yet.

There's been a flurry of news stories about populate from our D-Community traveling outside the USA to obtain affordable insulin, and the "Caravans to Canada" concept is uncomparable that captured quite a flake of attention recently and will certainly remain a hot topic as we continue fighting an Insulin Affordability and Access Crisis here in America.

Speaking of insulin affordability, Colorado passed a law of nature earlier this month that capped private insurance atomic number 27-pays for insulin at a max of $100 — no matter the amount of someone's monthly provision need! It's a first in the nation, and while IT's a great stride forward and can be a guiding unstressed for else states and even the U.S. government, Stephen Shaul at Happy Average takes a look behind the headlines at what this really means, for those in Colorado and on the far side.

D-Pop Tom Karlya has detected an uptick of division inside the Diabetes Online Community, but he doesn't want to see in-fighting continue in adovocacy or personal views happening biography with diabetes. Wise speech, Tom. Thank you for saying what we needed to pick up.

Our hearts break when reading "My Biggest Care Came True," by longtime T1 friend Chris Stocker at The Life of a Ill, as he shares that his young girl was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. We're sending all the hugs and best vibes to Chris and Family as they jell away on this new journey with two T1Ds in their household.

Did you by chance catch the final harden of Mettlesome of Thrones? Easily, even if you didn't watch this serial publication at all, you can probably smiling and apprize this "Gimpy of Hormones" meme shared within the DOC. It also touches on infertility beyond just diabetes, we discover…

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Getting older is always challenging, even without diabetes on board… merely Sonny at Test Guess & Hug dru describes some of those changing guideposts on targets and treatments that shape up with diabetes as you get older.

Over at her long-runningDiabetesaliciousness blog, Kelly Kunik shares her experience of going into "Scout Mode" along a recent spontaneous road trip where diabetes was, of course, along for the ride.

The Commerce Department is Worldwide! Well, of course… that isn't newfound. But IT's always cool to fancy how multitude are conjunctive and joint online when it comes to diabetes, and how that translates into real-life story experiences too. Thanks to Renza in Australia for share-out this story about the DOC in Manila.

We don't often share company posts, but this Lilly-branded T1 Casual Magic web log post, "Fleeing the Kindle with Typewrite 1 Diabetes," caught our oculus. It's written past a D-Mom named Kim who shares the sorrowful story of how California wildfires impacted their world you said it those ever so-important diabetes supplies were top of mind when this natural catastrophe hit home.

This one is a JDRF fundraiser, only it really embodies the summer spirit with its many golf-related events for best causes. We dearest this mind of Fifty-for-Father of the Church, organized by Pete Crozier in Ohio who aims to dramatic play 50 golf courses in diverse states crossways the USA in that same amount of days. He's doing this to not only mark his own 50th birthday this twelvemonth, but in remembering of his father who passed away in 1998 as a solvent of complications from type 2 diabetes, and likewise raising money and knowingness for type 1 diabetes, which is son Gavin was diagnosed with at age 4 over a decade ago. Pete started on May 27 in North Carolina and plans to refinement at Worcestor, MA — on the very course where his dad learned to play golf.

So that's what is on our radio detection and ranging for this past month. How about you, D-friends?

Please hold your eyes peeled in June for your personal favorite posts of the calendar month, and send us your picks via email. We expression forward to hearing from you!